G&D’s staff of professional engineers and Certified Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance Professionals are available to complete annual, quarterly and/or monthly inspections for all types of stormwater BMP facilities for property owners and managers for both commercial and residential properties. Complete annual, quarterly and/or monthly inspections can be completed for all types of stormwater BMP’s including:
- Wet retention ponds,
- Dry detention basins,
- Sand filters,
- Bioretention areas,
- Swales,
- Stormwater wetlands,
- Permeable pavement,
- Rainwater harvesting systems,
- Proprietary devices, and
- Level spreaders.
G&D can also provide the following services as requested:
- Confined space access inspection services of aboveground or underground stormwater structures;
- Cost estimates for required repairs;
- Additional engineering design and inspection for required repairs;
- Sub-contracting services for repairs and maintenance.