G&D specializes in providing construction observation services on public works projects. G&D has successfully completed projects for a variety of clients including local municipalities, Universities, industrial facilities and other consulting firms. The scope of work usually involves providing a full or part-time resident construction inspector for the duration of the project, acting as an extension of the Engineer’s staff. The responsibilities of the RCI often include the following:
- Keeping track of quantities of work performed, reviewing and processing pay requests
- Observing the quality of the work to determine compliance with project specifications
- Monitoring the overall progress of the project for compliance with the work schedule
- Verifying compliance with sedimentation and erosion control permits
- Tracking subcontractors used on the project to ensure compliance with the project’s small/minority enterprise requirements as required
- Interacting with local business operations and residents to address complaints and other questions and concerns
- Maintaining ongoing communications with appropriate DOT staff so that work does not conflict with right of way use permits and local ordinances
G&D has developed a solid reputation working with all parties involved in construction projects for delivering quality work. In addition to working directly for municipal and/or institutional clients, G&D often provides a Resident Construction inspector (RCI) on projects performed as a subconsultant to other consulting firms.